BikerCapitalist's Channel
BikerCapitalist Joined: Oct 21, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 1,379
Age: 60
Country: United States
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BikerCapitalist became friends with MarineCapitalist (1 year ago)
BikerCapitalist became friends with VeteranCapitalist (1 year ago)
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
@Kenji Nikki Haley isn't even black, you stupid tard, she's a fucking Indian! And not like Chief Slapaho Indian, Indian from India!
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
Of course a stupid anime watching piece of shit uploaded this shit! Seriously, what is it with you anime watching fruitbowls and white nationalism? ...
BikerCapitalist became friends with GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Channel Comments (227)
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
That's our future VP you're talking about. He knows a lot about the constitution. I saw him tell the pigs his miranda rights when he was arrested. I bet they arrested Ezra Miller because he's non binary. The Alpha males will eliminate racism starting with locking up Trump.
TheDisneyNinja (1 year ago)
Wow, just like Timon and Pumba. And fuck you, John Fetterman can turn Chris Christie into a bucket of chicken.
TheDisneyNinja (1 year ago)
I don't wanna grow up I like being a kid. And Fuck Chris Christie. I want John Fetterman as president because he's really. He dresses like he's from the hood.
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
I hope you like my BG. It is our future VP Ezra Miller. Also you should watch that Flash movie. IT IS MADE 4 ALPHAMALES!!!
14AR15sRule88 (1 year ago)
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
Listen you half a tard. I know a lot about politics. And you need someone appealing and that person is Liz Cheney. SHE WILL MOP THE FLOOR WITH THAT FASCIST!!! AND HOW FUCKING DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF BEING A PLANT! I hate Trump. He's a fascist that attacked the capital! I'm an agent and military vet. I DESERVE THE RESPECT ACCORDED TO THE TITLE!!!
GamblingCapitalist (1 year ago)
Those damn psychotropic drugs fuck you up! I have noticed that, many have autism, and other stupid made up bullshit! I don't blame you, that fucking long haired hippie needs to just support Christie already! Ghost will make him look like a mental midget, no doubt about it! They will be eating the bugs, going to living in pods, and they're going to like it! They have nothing besides Christie's weight and I hope they eat crow when Christie is the nominee!
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
Nope. The Ghost in this dimension is a Beta and imposter. I'm the real deal. And Krisp Kristy needs to go to a gym instead of Krispy Kreme. I WANT LIZ FUCKING CHENEY IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!! SHE WILL DESTROY THAT ORANGE FASCIST!!!
RINOHunter (1 year ago)
*In old Captain America's voice* No, I don't think I will.
RINOHunter (1 year ago)
No way!!! And Christie doesn't stand a "Ghost of a chance" at beating Trump or winning the presidency.
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