BikerCapitalist's Channel
BikerCapitalist Joined: Oct 21, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 1,379
Age: 60
Country: United States
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BikerCapitalist became friends with MarineCapitalist (1 year ago)
BikerCapitalist became friends with VeteranCapitalist (1 year ago)
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
@Kenji Nikki Haley isn't even black, you stupid tard, she's a fucking Indian! And not like Chief Slapaho Indian, Indian from India!
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
Of course a stupid anime watching piece of shit uploaded this shit! Seriously, what is it with you anime watching fruitbowls and white nationalism? ...
BikerCapitalist became friends with GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Channel Comments (227)
GamblingCapitalist (1 year ago)
No shit! I fucking hated that stupid piece of shit! Of course he likes fucking anime! Styx is a fucking idiot that can't realize Christie is who we need as fucking President! Trump would lose us everything, Ghost predicted we'd lose the midterms too, AND WE DID BECAUSE OF HIM! Christie is the only adult in the room, and those idiots supporting Vivek are idiots that like Eminem! I would like them to call him fat to his face, I hope Christie beats their asses!
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
And I support and masturbate to Liz Cheney! Her battle with Trump is like Starlight Glimmer VS Galactus. Yeah I know, the religion in my universe is different.
RINOHunter (1 year ago)
Dude Assy McGee sucks. Wanna watch a good AS show, watch Metalocalypse.
14AR15sRule88 (1 year ago)
You got nothing to live for, because every day, when you wake up and look in the fuckin' mirror, and see that toothless, Deliverance, Hoosier motherfucker staring back at you, you've got... no reason to live!
RINOHunter (1 year ago)
Anyone that thinks Assy McGee is a good AS show should get raped in the ass by a Rhino's horn.
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
Just like how there are many bikes, there are many genders. You need to leave the KKK and join my group F.A.G. It stands for For American Greatness.
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
Boi, if you saw you in a bar I'd masturbate in your beer and put laxatives in your food all while your in the bathroom taking a shit. You won't be able to fight me. You'll be begging Liz Cheney to save your sorry ass.
GamblingCapitalist (1 year ago)
No fucking shit! I know your son has autism, but thank God you kicked him out of the fucking house! That's so fucking goddamn embarrassing he still likes anime! Styx is too far up his ass, he'd rather have Trump make us lose everything than us winning something! Christie is the only adult in the room! They'll never improve their lives! And you're right, all they have with Christie is his fucking weight, and I hate them calling Christie Krispy Kreme too! It pisses me off!
RINOHunter (1 year ago)
It's a meme, cripple!
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
I'm not a God damn plant boi! I'm the real deal. I have a collection of My Little Pony dildos and I enjoy shoving them up my ass. You should try it too, you god damn fruitloop.
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