RINOHunter became friends with Gosamaru(1 year ago)
Channel Comments (107)
SunnyThePedo(8 months ago)
HipHopCapitalist(1 year ago)
Course yo stupid azz would vote fo Sarah eskimo bimbo Palin! Palin de reason Ghost stopped believin in the republicans fo a while, stupid nigga! She might be smarta den dem, but still doesn't mean she ain't a stupid azz slut bag eskimo bimbo dumbazz democrat bitch nigga!
PlumbingCapitalist(1 year ago)
How bout I vote republican for everything else and keep the Presidency blank? Every republican including Trump isn't even a goddamn republican anymore! And Trump telling people to take that vaccine, THAT IS WHAT LOST ME WITH THAT ASSHOLE! THAT ASSHOLE SHUT DOWN THE COUNTRY OVER A FLU, AND I'LL NEVER FORGIVE HIM AND POISONING HALF THE COUNTRY! AND SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THAT GODDAMN MARIO SHIT, GROW THE FUCK UP AND STOP LIVING IN LALA LAND YOU PIECE OF CRAP!
GunRangeCapitalist(1 year ago)
HOW FUCKING DARE YOU CALL ME A FUCKING SOCIALIST! YOU'RE LUCKY YOU'RE NOT SAYING THAT TO MY FUCKING FACE, BOI! Fuck you, I ain't giving this country to the Bernie bros, but everyone running is a fucking joke, even Christie now! We supported Christie because he was the only adult in the room until he said shit that was anti free speech! I do care about the 2nd amendment, but I ain't voting for President, especially if it's Trump! Because Trump is endorsed by fucking BLM! How you like that, boi?
CosmeticsCapitalist(1 year ago)
Ghost didn't beat him because his wife was there! And can't defeat DHS, you can't defeat him? What the fuck are you talking about? Are you a stupid larping piece of shit? You better hope Ghost doesn't find out about that, and leave rock ape alone! He's an inner circle member that died of cancer! Fuck Trump, he fucked up everything, and I'm not going to vote for him! Fuck Ben and Jerry's and fuck bud light, I bet you eat and drink that shit every day you fucking tard anime watching loser!
PlumbingCapitalist(1 year ago)
Maybe you're living under the rock because operation warp speed was the reason we have that damn covid vaccine! If you're bitching about gas prices, maybe if you were a capitalist, you wouldn't care that much! I hate Biden for doing that fucking shit, but you think Trump is some great guy, when he wasn't! He got nothing done he said he would! Ghost isn't a brony, and he doesn't have the DHS on him! But I bet you were on Epstein's flight log because you're a 52 year old man that likes anime!
GunRangeCapitalist(1 year ago)
NPC CRAPITALIST?! How fucking dare you call me that! I can tell you're a fucking socialist piece of shit for bashing capitalism like that there, boi! Ghost didn't sell out to the deep state, he realizes Trump fucked up with the vaccine! Looks like Tim Scott dropped out, boi! So what the fuck you gonna do now? Why don't you jerk off to anime cuz that's all you got, you anime watching incel! And fuck you, I don't support gun control, I'm a proud gun owner and I work at a gun range!
CosmeticsCapitalist(1 year ago)
Big fucking deal, you trolls mocked rock ape's death, an inner circle member that died of cancer! While Stan Lee helped cause the manchild epidemic! I know for a fact you wouldn't mock Ghost's granny to his face, because I'm sure he'd leave you in a puddle of your own blood and piss, boi! I wouldn't trust you alone with my dog, or dogs, because anime fans are fucking goddamn sick! Even if Ghost is a neocon, so what?! I'm hoping a world war happens so you anime watching freaks get drafted!