BikerCapitalist Channel
BikerCapitalist Joined: Oct 21, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 1,364
Age: 60
Country: United States
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BikerCapitalist became friends with MarineCapitalist (1 year ago)
BikerCapitalist became friends with VeteranCapitalist (1 year ago)
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
@Kenji Nikki Haley isn't even black, you stupid tard, she's a fucking Indian! And not like Chief Slapaho Indian, Indian from India!
BikerCapitalist commented on a video (1 year ago)
TAKE BACK OUR FUTURE - A Message fr...
Of course a stupid anime watching piece of shit uploaded this shit! Seriously, what is it with you anime watching fruitbowls and white nationalism? ...
BikerCapitalist became friends with GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Channel Comments (227)
FrankGarrett (12 months ago)
I love trouble.
NavyAdmiralRanmaru (12 months ago)
Yew don't tell me what tew dew!
14AR15sRule88 (1 year ago)
Hey, eat me, you cocksucker
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
Fuck Texas. The state is filled with hillbillies and Nazis. I'll take California's beautiful weather any day. And Florida needs to get rid of that fascist Ron DeSantis. Oh and I've come to the conclusion that the Ghost you listen to is on the Kremlin's payroll. I'm the the real deal, boi!
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
You listen here, you Russian bot. California has more freedom than Texas and Florida. Women have access to contraceptives and reproductive care, children have access to gender transition care and they are the number #1 state in promoting democracy. Without California the rest of the country would be in decay. You should be licking Gavin Newsom's butt, boi!
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
I'm the real Ghost you fucking fruitloop. And you're not a biker, you're probably some male stripper in LA and likes to fuck crackhead hoes. I'm the real deal. The badass of conservatism. Oh and unlike you. Liz Cheney dreams of my cock in her mouth.
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
The real Ghost has a hard on for Liz Cheney. He also has a giant poster of her and he masturbates to it every night.
SHIELDGhost (1 year ago)
Starlight Glimmer is from MLP. And she kicks ass. And i love watching MLP. It's one of the best shows ever made. Real conservatives watch My Little Pony.
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
We have free cookies and we'll send you a picture of Liz Cheney in a bikini so you can spank your monkey to it.
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
As a proud Alpha male conservative I let my children choose their genders and if they want gender transition surgery let them have it. As Benjamin Franklin once said "GIVE ME GENDER TRANSITION SURGERY OR GIVE ME DEATH!"
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