shotaconlovercreep's Channel
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shotaconlovercreep became friends with pakkun (3 years ago) |
Channel Comments (7)
mycuntisfilthy (3 years ago)
GOD feels same for all of us. HIS judgement is very fair compared to all of us
GOD feels same for all of us. HIS judgement is very fair compared to all of us
lemonboy1111 (3 years ago)
@dirtycunt GOD feels same for all of us. HIS judgement is very fair compared to all of us
dirtycunt (3 years ago)
if Jesus saw you as an unrepentant sinner, how would he feel about you?
if Jesus saw you as an unrepentant sinner, how would he feel about you?
frequent (3 years ago)
@iloveanime721 Disappointed.
lemonboy1111 (3 years ago)
if Jesus saw you as an unrepentant sinner, how would he feel about you?
skipped (3 years ago)
pakkun (3 years ago)
thanks for the friend request
and agreed iloveanime721 is a pedo shotacon lover
and agreed iloveanime721 is a pedo shotacon lover
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