iloveanime721 Channel
iloveanime721 Joined: Jul 21, 2017 Subscribers: 294 Video Views: 11,483 Channel Views: 25,553
Age: 44
Country: United States
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iloveanime721 commented on a video (2 hours ago)
iloveanime721 commented on a video (1 day ago)
GOD of heaven does not approve of y...
@Iloveyouallblessingx 69? hmmm i'm not following. 69 is a movie? and is it similar to cry wolf?
iloveanime721 commented on a video (1 day ago)
GOD of heaven does not approve of y...
@Iloveyouallblessingx I believe you possibly telling the truth. media believes in lies practically quick
iloveanime721 became friends with Iloveyouallblessingx (1 day ago)
iloveanime721 commented on a video (2 days ago)
george floyd is 33rd degree mason s...
co-conspiracy movement is nothing new and been known for a long time. MLK for example. how the nations assumed he try to unify the black generation an...
Channel Comments (3,408)
Iloveyouallblessingx (15 hours ago)
bitview is shitty and as boring as trashcan most user are ban!
but here most user close their account big difference!
bitview 1 out of 10
vidlii 10.. way better
Iloveyouallblessingx (19 hours ago)
Some are better off as user due to poor judgement and childish.. like baby.
when you have an immature person as admin that what we get unfair ban.
Iloveyouallblessingx (19 hours ago)
idiot person would abuse me for fun as admin see how long it take to get bad. a bad person is bad regardless admin or user. it personality.
Iloveyouallblessingx (19 hours ago)
Some dont make good admin are just crap due to misplace trust by stupid admin. just cause this person was there at the right time. unfair.
Iloveyouallblessingx (19 hours ago)
Same with me, the admin is a stalker and watch us like like a hawk mean and cruel. this is a pervert that is over protective of it user esp minor to abuse for fun like school a prison for selfish reason. low iq mod.
no warning.. instant ban. a schizophrenia and extreme fear of stranger.
Iloveyouallblessingx (21 hours ago)
Iloveyouallblessingx (1 day ago)
i could turn bitview into useless in a matter of days i got time
that dumb admin need to be nice or pay with hater anger and bitterness!
Iloveyouallblessingx (1 day ago)
they owe us an apology or it never going to end. they are assholes. we all know it but they deny it by whining about it on their idiot page..
i was teased here. everyone is so mean here. it full of trolls. whatever.
Iloveyouallblessingx (1 day ago)
they all do they hate us very much whine like a baby very immature..
pathetic liar play victim with me you . blame everyone but themselves
they stink like trashcan and unloving.. egotistic believe they are better.
Iloveyouallblessingx (1 day ago)
cazzy and thevideorgamer are watching us now to gather info and know if we like them or not their coward no spine heartless total loser. horrible..
1 out of 10
they get a 1
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