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HipHopCapitalist's Channel
HipHopCapitalist Joined: Jun 24, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 1,395
Age: 32
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (148)
Alex (1 year ago)
Moonman is awesome!
Gintoki (1 year ago)
Wanna banana monkey. Dance for me.
AkiraSan (1 year ago)
You are a dumb monkey.
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
Would you like a bannana? You seem really mad?

Gintoki (1 year ago)
Quit throwing your chicken bones on the sidewalk, spook.
RINOHunter (1 year ago)
I voted for Obama because Romney and McCain were fucking pigs. I'll admit the only good thing about McCain was if he croaked we'd get Palin, but I couldn't stand the fucker. I do plan on voting Republican, the Democrats are too extreme, plus Thomas and Alito are getting old and I'd like to see them get replaced with younger conservative judges.
RINOHunter (1 year ago)
You know, Trump is starting to show me he deserves to be president. He supports the UAW strikers. Me and my family have always been union DEMs. That's why I hate RINOs like McCain and Romney and don't get me started on donut boy. Porky Pig is better off running for senate in New Jersey, I think they have a chance to defeat that corrupt senator. Trump is gonna be the Republican nominee and Ghost will be getting drunk on Bud Light and shoving Ben and Jerry's ice cream down his gullet.
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
I'm starting to think Ghost is a paid DNC or Lincoln Project operative as well.
ANTIFASlayer (1 year ago)
I bet SHIELDGhost is the real deal. I've heard rumors of Ghost being a closet brony. Anyways have fun at brony con!
Gintoki (1 year ago)
Sorry but no white woman wants to be with you apes.
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