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HipHopCapitalist's Channel
HipHopCapitalist Joined: Jun 24, 2022 Subscribers: 4 Channel Views: 1,395
Age: 32
Country: United States
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HipHopCapitalist became friends with CowgirlCapitalist (3 months ago)
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HipHopCapitalist became friends with BikerCapitalist (2 years ago)
Channel Comments (148)
Kazemaru (1 year ago)
Um, I got a white wife too, but at least I'm not as greasy as you!
ShibaSan (1 year ago)
Nigga rage!
MTBlane (1 year ago)
I am back from the dead! And Iran shall rule the world!
GhostsPetWeasel (1 year ago)
You need to listen to more Taylor Swift and less Ghost. He's a Russian backed traitor.
ShibaSan (1 year ago)
Oh come on, don't you want to go back to Africa? I heard it's beautiful.
Gintoki (1 year ago)
I ain't giving you any money. I know you niggers want reparations. What you really want is something for nothing. You monkeys are all the same.
ShibaSan (1 year ago)
Oh we're just helping to send all blacks on a one way trip to Africa, since we sold them into slavery.
Shachi (1 year ago)
Nignogs like you belong on the trees.
ShibaSan (1 year ago)
Come get your boat ride!
Yasutaka (1 year ago)
You look like a girly boy, chimpy.
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