Joined: Mar 24, 2023
Last Sign In: 12 hours ago Subscribers: 205
Video Views: 6,416 Channel Views: 2,160
just some autist who talks about shit no one cares about anymore
Country: Niger
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Subscribers (205)
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Channel Comments (53)
zerosandones (1 year ago)
ramarama23 (1 year ago)
when are you gonna do a chan review on the farty
SoleSucker (1 year ago)
is your name fag fury lol?
zerosandones (1 year ago)
doin good my nigga seig heil 1488
TheLuisYT (1 year ago)
seig heil mein führer how ya doing my nigga
zerosandones (1 year ago)
idunno im not good with fonts
idunno im not good with fonts
PlainCartoonLiker (1 year ago)
What font is the Heyuri logo?
ReUpper (1 year ago)
I don't like tripcodes cause thinking of names makes my brain hurt.
artemis (1 year ago)
we should be friends (wiz is a girl)
boa654 (1 year ago)
hi want to be friends
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