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ramarama23 commented on a video (10 months ago) Reopening of Vidlii
hopefully the site doesn't just stay as a place where CP gets spammed at night and people only upload stupid fucking edits of their favorite mass shoo... |
ramarama23 commented on a video (1 year ago) ☭ LENIN PHILOSPHY ☭
@ProudSocialist1917 ok but did you solve the economic calculation problem yet? |
ramarama23 commented on a video (1 year ago) my hydrablox profile
how old is this site? |
ramarama23 favorited a video (1 year ago) Shia Lebouf trolled throwback lmao
Xia Lebouf trol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qQslt4oeIEw&pp=ygUlc2hpYSBsYWJlb3VmIGhpdGxlciBkaWQgbm90aGluZyB3cm9uZw%3D%3D |
ramarama23 commented on a video (1 year ago) RIP Kolyma Network
@Ceryel Kuz has AIDS and he is moving back to russia so he can see his family before he dies, to do this he must dissolve much of his personal wealth... |
Channel Comments (5)
ProudSocialist1917 (1 year ago)
nazicuck btfo
Queddusyan (1 year ago)
Resub to me
ramarama23 (1 year ago)
but why tho
LolwutPear (1 year ago)
Unsub from me
4dojo (2 years ago)
Good morning
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