lemonboy1111's Channel
lemonboy1111 Joined: Jul 21, 2017 Subscribers: 379 Video Views: 15,221 Channel Views: 27,516
Age: 44
you can call me theron. name pronounced thee-ron

i change my username due to my love for GOD. anything you show as an example respesents who you are. that will not set you to make it to heaven and eternal life from GOD
Country: United States
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lemonboy1111 commented on a video (2 hours ago)
FREE Men's Health Belsack Scanner Y...
@derodero geeee what the heck this video?
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
a message to bitview
@NotAFaggot87 I'm exposing that exactly. although bitview is against gore, if Jesus was down on this earth, they would persecution Jesus for HIS trut...
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Foreclosure Attorney Houston - Alva...
the guy on 0:17 looks like former boxer george foreman
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Natural treatment to remove heart p...
you don't see people talking about this much on vidlii. sad thing is, pharmacutical companies, a few of them never talk about the proper diet in order...
lemonboy1111 became friends with thewho (1 week ago)
Channel Comments (3,560)
amante (5 months ago)
add me
lemonboy1111 (5 months ago)
my blood pressure is high I believe. my twin brother and I had a severe argument. vidlii community treated me like an outcast. this been going on for too long.
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
those who watch news and obey arent smart.. 6 feet apart. wear your mask..
take your covid19 vax. i dont comply.. i dont have to. we have too many that obey without question as if some have extra rights.
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
its a hoax
virus dont exist
it fear monger to get most to take it
eugenic.. some already die more are dying everyday the world has become very quiet now it get worse everyday. less human are around now. euthanized..
some take longer to die some die fast. due to health. age.
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
iloveanime721 (7 months ago) man, i'm feeling depressed. my sister's funeral tommorow. she died wednesday. bray wyatt unexpectly died next day. my sister died only 51 years old after she stopped walking for a while. bray wyatt died of unexepected hear attack assuming from covid-19
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
I never heard of vax free but unvax and vax
or vaxxed and unvaxxed in the news media.
antivaxxer lol
pro vaccine
anti vaccine. it gibberish to me how they word it.
Josesan94Alt (5 months ago)
fucking nigger hahaha =D
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
counter it your teasing video it been years already chrono told you to quit vidlii it because they are jealous of your fame for lol

make video of user who did this watch them get butt hurt you laugh and get respect from them. be a hero.

It never too late better late then never. unless you are dead then it too late.
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
You got more sub then me subber are special
you should be happy lol
who is more famous
you :D
kyonyuu3 (5 months ago)
the media makes a storm on a glass of water like we say in my country...
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