lemonboy1111's Channel
lemonboy1111 Joined: Jul 21, 2017 Subscribers: 379 Video Views: 15,221 Channel Views: 27,516
Age: 44
you can call me theron. name pronounced thee-ron

i change my username due to my love for GOD. anything you show as an example respesents who you are. that will not set you to make it to heaven and eternal life from GOD
Country: United States
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Your Love Surrounds Me From: lemonboy1111
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lemonboy1111 commented on a video (2 hours ago)
FREE Men's Health Belsack Scanner Y...
@derodero geeee what the heck this video?
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
a message to bitview
@NotAFaggot87 I'm exposing that exactly. although bitview is against gore, if Jesus was down on this earth, they would persecution Jesus for HIS trut...
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Foreclosure Attorney Houston - Alva...
the guy on 0:17 looks like former boxer george foreman
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (1 week ago)
Natural treatment to remove heart p...
you don't see people talking about this much on vidlii. sad thing is, pharmacutical companies, a few of them never talk about the proper diet in order...
lemonboy1111 became friends with thewho (1 week ago)
Channel Comments (3,560)
Iloveyouallblessingx (4 months ago)
you seem to like it here a lot lol
Iloveyouallblessingx (4 months ago) @AnthonyGiarrusso this user block me
pissed lol
he a dick head
Iloveyouallblessingx (4 months ago)
i dont act my age so i must be a pedo.. mis labeling by some idiot here
trolls i tell you. for lol
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
We live in a dream :D
reality is an illusion
we are dreaming haha
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
Its my world lol
kyonyuu3 (5 months ago)
i feel like i'm living in a paralell reality...
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
i comment a lot and i do it fast that how i am superior..
@jtal is inferior a snail. im sonic the hedge or energizer bunny!
he is boring as shit lol
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
obsess with porn.. video game that interfere with normal activity
i get thing done. they dont. just lover of pleasure its sad.
quiet. and ignore the need of others. for selfish reason.
i only game 1 hour a day.. this why i got plenty of time to talk and do stuff.
PissMittens (5 months ago)
Iz yous a furry??
Iloveyouallblessingx (5 months ago)
@jtal is my stalker since i joined he is obsessive compulsive disorder lol
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