lovexx love01 pass haha lovel0 lovel1 love7y
kyanny1 Joined: May 11, 2024 Last Sign In: 2 days ago Subscribers: 54 Video Views: 75 Channel Views: 260
Age: 16
loveyy lovell
cant tell you
sturmgeist189 can kiss my ass
you tell him pass he change it and fuck it up
fuck troll like him a retard
fuck trolls all are mean and a bully despicable
Country: Egypt
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Channel Comments (42)
dero (1 day ago)
@lemonboy1111 i dont take the internet serious at all but many do for personal reason that they matter a lot. it is a video game to me and should be treated as such but their feeling matter so much some become erratic.
luna0 (1 day ago)
subscribe0 (3 days ago)
eat more get fatter haha
autism0 (3 days ago)
@lemonboy111 i dont have time to manage one page all day everyday like most user here who take the internet as serious as life. I am a busy person and like to show off my talent. I use my time wisely. be different think different.. i can see why some block me for convenient having to delete comment and not do much lol some disable invite.. paranoid.. of me haha
autism0 (3 days ago)
@velvour i see you were watching all my alt
welcome to my world where anything goes there are no limit
rules regulation is about control for the few at the expense of our rights
Velvour (3 days ago)
Ur unblocked now
lemonboy1111 (3 days ago)
velvour blocked you? what happened? sure you can PM me and tell me
kyanny1 (3 days ago)
velvour has block me as well
he is a schizophrenia
bipolar disorder
panic disorder lol
i tell you more in pm who he is why he block sometime or is afraid of block
fuckmewhite7xxxlolxx (4 days ago)
hard (5 days ago)
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