ilove1994's Channel
Age: 31
One of the original Youtube oldies been around since 2007 i have experimented and done different things over the years but i am well known for my SpongeBob and Lion King parody dubs.
Country: United States
Occupation: Video maker
Interests: Technology History movies cars girls 90s nostalgia
Movies: Horror movies
Music: Rock music
Books: Into reading classic novels
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Channel Comments (17)

zxcvbnm (2 years ago)
bob gangster

ElMenchoCriticas2007 (3 years ago)
Bob Cholo

someboredguy901 (4 years ago)
sup, it's been a while but i don't even use this site anymore but anyways i'm fine, and you?

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
What's up?

SorteKat (5 years ago)
hi there. Sorry it has taken ages to stop by. We are seldom here and are on YT much of the time. Our channel there is 2EternityButterflies if you ever are there. Hope this finds you enjoying a good week. Your channel really is fun to see. Hope to do more uploads soon. Your friends Shelley and Max

SorteKat (6 years ago)
You have a great channel here and we look forward to seeing more of your videos! Have a great day. Greetings from Denmark.

iamqqqqqqq (6 years ago)

4dojo (7 years ago)
I luv 1994 too ;D

11ryanc (7 years ago)
'sup. you ever get your acct activated?

TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Cool channel. Welcome to VidLii. Thanks for favoriting my video it means a lot to me. :)
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