iceninekillsfan69's Channel
iceninekillsfan69 Joined: Mar 02, 2023 Subscribers: 36 Video Views: 2,359 Channel Views: 3,428
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Channel Comments (347)
FaoplichOrLichfaop (1 year ago)
could you at least provide proof in your videos so we can know that these are real and these people are actual pedos

also wouldnt you get in trouble for entering a teachers class and calling him a pedo due to them somewhat unfair school rules?
FaoplichOrLichfaop (1 year ago)
also there do exist people who fake to catch a predator or pedo exposed videos by going on a dating app and then setting there age to 18 or 19 and then just calling whoever tries to date them a pedo even though that sometimes the accused pedo is just somebody who wasnt even told what they where told since they usally where never told that the non existent victim is 14 according to recorders and in reality once them cameras are off the recorders end up appolgizing to the guys
FaoplichOrLichfaop (1 year ago)
Dating apps dont allow minors on them
how do we know these videos arent fake and after the videos you gave the guys some money to keep them quiet
also you only have one video here thats in a school
how old are you and do you go to this school
and where is your proof might i ask?
it just seemed like you entered a teachers class and accused him of staring at a girls boobs without proof or evidence and you didnt even say who the girl was
seems a bit fake
iceninekillsfan69 (1 year ago)
@FaoplichOrLichfaop dating apps!
That's where we found them all
KKKactivist336 (1 year ago)
Thank you brother. You've got a nice video confronting a predator. Heil the Klan! 卐 卐 卐 卐 卐
FaoplichOrLichfaop (1 year ago)
what apps are you talking about?
iceninekillsfan69 (1 year ago)
@FaoplichOrLichfaop I'll definitely post a couple more of my catches. I dont have that many, however, since most of the guys on the apps actually flake and some of them only want photos/videos and dont actually wanna meet up. It's a fun hobby of mine to confront em irl and harass them, then ruin their lives by sending the vids to their friends/family!
FaoplichOrLichfaop (1 year ago)
theres videos here of pedophiles getting beat up and stabbed and killed
upload more content like that and you got yourself alot of views and subs
FaoplichOrLichfaop (1 year ago)
parker oilar is this retard kid who last month started to hack based channels or gore channels or even normal channels
him and his team are as they say
"denazifying vidlii"
i dont think they know the sites owner is ok with this stuff
also i wouldnt really call people here autistic or retard except for that parker oilar kid
now he justs attacks anybody who isnt even based but just either talked to or is subbed to someone based
although you should upload more to catch a predator videos
iceninekillsfan69 (1 year ago)
@FaoplichOrLichfaop There's gore on here? Yep, that means vidlii IS indeed a place for severely autistic retards, but it's okay, because that's exactly what I am too. No judgment, haha!
I dont know who the hell Parker Oilar is but oh well. Seems you're kinda proving my point (haha jkjk). Nice to meet you tho!
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