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iceninekillsfan69 Joined: Mar 02, 2023 Subscribers: 36 Video Views: 2,359 Channel Views: 3,428
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iceninekillsfan69 (1 year ago)
@TheDOGangVsBullying you think I'm gonna watch a super long, boring livestream? Lol no😂I'm not stalking you guys. Some people are targetting you and mookie, but I'd actually harass ANY cringey ass grown man I see, and get them to kill themselves. Not just you and Mookie, I'm literally targetting ANYONE who gives a funny reaction. You're not special, you goddamn clowns😂
iceninekillsfan69 (1 year ago)
@TheDOGangVsBullying a 50 second video of Mookie driving a short distance doesn't prove anything. I drove short distances too when I was learning how to drive as a kid. I won't believe Charles can drive unless I see an actual license (NOT an ID card), or if I see a much longer vid where he's driving in the open streets with a bunch of cars in the road. Until then, I'll see him as a fat retard who can only sit around and shart in his wooden shack
KKKactivist336 (1 year ago)
Do you know how Carolyn Burch sounds like? She sounds like a dumb worthless nigger who lets Charles be the nasty pedophile baby raper he is! Charlotte, North Carolina is a shithole.
KKKactivist336 (1 year ago)
I heard he quit the sperg gang but if he didn't I would punish him for being a filthy nigger lover. Nothing comes good out of associating with a disgusting pedophile who molest children and lock then in a toolshed.
KKKactivist336 (1 year ago)
Anybody who is buddies with the pedonigger deserve a death sentence since they are accomplices to Charles pedophilia crimes. Do you have a background on the cuckadian?
boa654 (1 year ago)
whats the dog doing
KKKactivist336 (1 year ago)
That pedonigger doxxed countless of people yet never pulled up to anybody. Yes he is a coward since he never leave his fartshed unless Carolyn is driving him. Charles is scared of all his trolls including teenagers, the coward has no fight in him and that is why he leave his boyfriend to do all the fighting for him.
KKKactivist336 (1 year ago)
I celebrated May 6th with some whiskey for Pedotania while making the pedonigger angry on his livestream. Fuck him and his whole family, I will keep terrorizing them for the rest of their lives. Their pedophilia runs in the family! I'm gonna bang Carolyn Burch once I see her, she crave white cocks like Pedotania!
iceninekillsfan69 (1 year ago)
@THEDOGTV back for another ass whooping, boy?
M00kieMafia (1 year ago)
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