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Yapany022's Channel
Yapany022 Joined: Jan 13, 2023 Last Sign In: 1 year ago Subscribers: 0 Channel Views: 12
Usually Im the one who gives motivational speeches with no motivation at all. Regular artist with an un-exciting life! Who also loves to cook! The Jack of all trades, a mask of many faces!

Country: Puerto Rico
Occupation: just a regular guy
Interests: Music, Art, Philosophy, learning new languages, Internet rabbit holes
Music: Alternative, EDM, Symphonic Orchestra, Vaporwave, Metal, Dubstep, Rock
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Recent Activity
Yapany022 commented on a video (1 year ago)
Rick y Morty t05ep02 latino
Nunca habia visto Rick y Morty en doblaje español latino. Sorpresivamente las voces pegan muy bien con los personajes!
Yapany022 became friends with AnthonyGiarrusso (1 year ago)
Yapany022 Normally I have many ideas on what to do and what to start but sincerely, Im just bad at making a proper decision. (1 year ago)
Yapany022 became friends with lolwut (1 year ago)
Yapany022 commented on a video (1 year ago)
Johnny Johnny & The Wiggles | The W...
Finally!! a quality video here on Vidlii!! New sub \m/
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