Welcome To Yakuzo's Page
Age: 14
Website: https://soundcloud.com/yuku091
NaSleĠæ PìĦĘęɧ (( Nurhellaa :)))
لا تكره فقط اتركني وشأني، من فضلك لا تموت
لا تكره فقط اتركني وشأني، من فضلك لا تموت
Music: Taconiel, Yabujin, Sayako
Recent Activity
Yakuzo01 became friends with LuigiSTYLE (2 weeks ago) | ||
Yakuzo01 commented on a video (3 weeks ago) コロンバイン VS ヒカキン ...
Why Otomad T_T ? |
Yakuzo01 favorited a video (4 weeks ago) |
Yakuzo01 favorited a video (4 weeks ago) DOOR STUCK DOOR STUCK
Me having fun in ESEA. (the beginning is the lyrics to Snoop Dogg and Pharell's "Drop It Like It's Hot") The phantom, exterior like fish eggs interi... |
Yakuzo01 favorited a video (1 month ago) |
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