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ThirdStar248 Vidlii Channel Version
ThirdStar248VidliiEd Joined: Aug 24, 2023 Last Sign In: 1 year ago Subscribers: 0 Channel Views: 17
Age: 16
EN: This channel would've used as an archive or a garbage for videos that are deleted, outdated or are terrible, I could sometimes reupload some videos that are avaliable or not avaliable on YouTube of other users
ES: Este canal podría usarse como un archivo o un basurero para vídeos borrados, anticuados o que son terribles, podría a veces resubir algunos vídeos que están disponibles o no disponible en YouTUbe de otros usuarios

This channel can have more inactivity than the one I have on YouTube/Este canal podría tener más inactividad que el que tengo en YouTube
Country: Mexico
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ThirdStar248VidliiEd became friends with TheShameiDelta (11 months ago)
ThirdStar248VidliiEd became friends with Shig45 (1 year ago)
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