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SorteKat (5 years ago)
It worked! You have a new sub! Have a great day.

TheMushroomGalaxy (5 years ago)
@SorteKat you need to go into one of my videos and you will find a sub button near the video. subscribe there and not my channel

SorteKat (5 years ago)
Good day our friend. I did what you said and pushed the sub button one time but it didn't show. Okay, May try one more time then will check in here again later. Have a great day!

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
:O Cool! I love that game and I love the Nintendo 64. It is my favorite video game console of all time! :)

TheMushroomGalaxy (5 years ago)
@TheVideoGamer64 its the SMB64. it was the first game i ever played and the 64 it my first ever system.

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
That's good and you're welcome. What's your favorite Mario game?

TheMushroomGalaxy (5 years ago)
@TheVideoGamer64 im fine and thank you:)

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Wow you have an amazing channel. How are you?

TheMushroomGalaxy (5 years ago)
@SorteKat you only have to press it once

SorteKat (5 years ago)
Hi there. Just tried again on the sub button and for some reason it won't work. Sorry. We can try again another day. Have a good one!
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