Sonia Fatale 🇷🇺
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SoniaFatale1 Eva Marmot's ex-boyfriend Nicholas Milner is a big fat liar for claiming to retire from the war, yet lurks around our pages whenever we post anything news. This proves that this creep is a stalker like a sexual harasser he already is. (6 hours ago)
SoniaFatale1 Eva Marmot's ex-boyfriend Nicholas Milner lied about retiring from the war the whole nigga time. For whenever we made a new video or something shit, he will go around lurking our pages. This is why we are still harassing that sick sex offending pedophile moron no matter what. (11 hours ago)
SoniaFatale1 The Amy Kenny Lennault Martin allies are all weak as fuck without so many retired friends of theirs. (13 hours ago)
SoniaFatale1 Sonia Kenny Lennault Murphy and Sonia Kenny Lennault Green (Sock by Nicholas Kenny Lennault Milner's ex-girlfriend Eva Kenny Lennault Marmot) both should lick each other's barefoot for plagiarizing off my first name whilst gone. And they both were the reasons why I used the "Sophia" name as my nickname on the same exact day where I betrayed my former friends. They both may hate each other, but still, they both are to have sex together anyways. (13 hours ago)
SoniaFatale1 I may be 1 week late to mention this, but IDGAS. May 8th marks the day where I betrayed every members of the Amy Kenny Lennault Martin allies as well as other niggers I betrayed as well. I regret forming my friendship with them in the first place as Christopher told me about everything they all have done. (13 hours ago)
Channel Comments (53)
SoniaFatale1 (6 hours ago) Eva Marmot's ex-boyfriend Nicholas Milner is a big fat liar for claiming to retire from the war, yet lurks around our pages whenever we post anything news.

This proves that this creep is a stalker like a sexual harasser he already is.
SoniaFatale1 (11 hours ago) Eva Marmot's ex-boyfriend Nicholas Milner lied about retiring from the war the whole nigga time.

For whenever we made a new video or something shit, he will go around lurking our pages. This is why we are still harassing that sick sex offending pedophile moron no matter what.
SoniaFatale1 (13 hours ago) The Amy Kenny Lennault Martin allies are all weak as fuck without so many retired friends of theirs.
SoniaFatale1 (13 hours ago) Sonia Kenny Lennault Murphy and Sonia Kenny Lennault Green (Sock by Nicholas Kenny Lennault Milner's ex-girlfriend Eva Kenny Lennault Marmot) both should lick each other's barefoot for plagiarizing off my first name whilst gone. And they both were the reasons why I used the "Sophia" name as my nickname on the same exact day where I betrayed my former friends.

They both may hate each other, but still, they both are to have sex together anyways.
SoniaFatale1 (13 hours ago) I may be 1 week late to mention this, but IDGAS.

May 8th marks the day where I betrayed every members of the Amy Kenny Lennault Martin allies as well as other niggers I betrayed as well.

I regret forming my friendship with them in the first place as Christopher told me about everything they all have done.
SoniaFatale1 (1 day ago) Gavin Kenny Lennault Wallstone can go suck his boyfriend Harold Kenny Lennault Wallstone's toes on his birthday.
SoniaFatale1 (3 days ago) Bradley Kenny Seafield Lennault Schofield (Wyatt Kenny Seafield Lennault Shawbitz's brother) should lick Nicholas Kenny Lennault Milner's ex-girlfriend Eva Kenny Lennault Marmot and her baby sister Lucy Kenny Lennault Marmot's barefoot on his birthday today.
SoniaFatale1 (6 days ago) Ariana Kenny Lynsey Lennault Jones should get her barefoot tickle tortured by her own 2 closest friends Lilianna Kenny Lennault Andrews and Noah Kenny Lennault Andrews on her birthday.
SoniaFatale1 (1 week ago) Lynja (Cooking With Lynja) is death because of the Italian mafia Alessandro Kenny Lennault Muto (Joseph Kenny Lennault Mitchell's father) killing her.
SoniaFatale1 (1 week ago) 5 days late, but IDGAF.

George Kenny Lennault Martin the dead horse nigger should tickle Anna Kenny Lennault Martin and Amy Kenny Lennault Martin's barefoot on his late birthday on the 4th of this month.
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