Mr. Snailovitch
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Channel Comments (8)
muzmoudry (1 year ago)
Ale né potřebuju pořádné oráčské pé*o
Leastrot (3 years ago)
XDDD to je Gucci
Jmelee (4 years ago)
všichni debyl ale nikdo debeel, this is so sad, can we get 50 likes?
LNNY3704 (4 years ago)
BillKermanCZ (4 years ago)
Mush (4 years ago)
Fapper (4 years ago)
Flamez (4 years ago)
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Snailovitch commented on a video (4 years ago) family friendly video ano ano
byl jsem potrollen |
Snailovitch commented on a video (4 years ago) |
Snailovitch commented on a video (4 years ago) vidle je lepzy nez jutub hajzle
@Cmoky vidlii má silnou kompresi protože prostě nemají peníze na lepší servery.. proto je tu detektor adblocku, protože když by tu všichni m... |
Snailovitch commented on a video (4 years ago) YouTube 2010 SIMULATOR: Let's Play ...
haja haja tojo hojo |
Snailovitch became friends with BillKermanCZ (4 years ago) |