ShadowMan's Channel
ShadowMan Joined: Aug 19, 2024 Last Sign In: 3 weeks ago Subscribers: 22 Channel Views: 69
Age: 36
Country: United States
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ShadowMan became friends with Hatate (2 weeks ago)
ShadowMan became friends with Shizuka (3 weeks ago)
ShadowMan became friends with Takamori (3 weeks ago)
ShadowMan became friends with Gintoki (3 weeks ago)
ShadowMan became friends with foolcoon (3 weeks ago)
Channel Comments (15)
DrDykeAssplug (2 weeks ago)
TheDirector (2 weeks ago)
Kamala will be you're president. I hope you enjoy having a female president.
Takamori (3 weeks ago)
Hello my Ninja Robot Master.
NickAdamsAlt (3 weeks ago)
Fuck you, you anime Beta male. When I become President I am banning anime and then I'm gonna have a nice threesome in the oval office with Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters.
Gintoki (3 weeks ago)
Hello Shadow Man.
PlumbingCapitalist (3 weeks ago)
How dare you call Ghost a dictator, boi! And Ghost isn't a big gamer anymore because unlike you, he has a fucking life! You're the one who gets your thumbs bruised on a fucking video game and I almost no doubt bet you wax your carrot to preteen anime girls you fucking sick fuck! I FUCKING HATE ANIME! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HipHopCapitalist (3 weeks ago)
Nigga, quit flappin yo doritos stained fingas on the keyboard and say dat shit to ma face bitch nigga! I bet yo azz nazi larps online becuz yo azz don't have de ballz ta say dat shit to mah face or hell, say dat to any black persons face, cuz yo azz would know if yo azz say dat shit you sayin, yo azz be gettin beat de fuck up bitch nigga!
HipHopCapitalist (3 weeks ago)
Keep flapping yo doritos stained fingers on de keyboard, bitch nigga! Yo azz wouldn't say dat to ma face bitch nigga! And nigga, I prefer Popeyes over KFC, bitch nigga! And besides, de weirdo Japs eat KFC each Christmas, bitch nigga! Why don't yo azz get off de internet and quit bein a bitch azz troll, bitch nigga?
PlumbingCapitalist (3 weeks ago)
How about go back to getting a life, you stupid gaming piece of shit? Seriously, you're a 36 year old gamer! GROW THE FUCK UP AND STOP BRUISING YOUR THUMBS ON A CONTROLLER!
HipHopCapitalist (3 weeks ago)
Shut yo stupid bitch azz up bitch nigga! Yo azz lucky you ain't say dat to my face bitch nigga! If yo azz did, I'd beat yo azz! And what de fuck does dat dumbazz shit you did afta you called me a nigga mean, bitch nigga? Quit wif yo stupid inside jokes, bitch nigga!
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