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Channel Comments

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Hey buddy how are you?

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Awesome! :) How are you today?

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
That's cool and okay. :) What movies have you watched recently?

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Oh okay, my friend bought mom a Roku stick for Christmas and a Coca Cola Bear Funko Pop for Christmas as well, but anyway, we been using the Roku stick a lot. :)

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Cool! That sounds cool. :)

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Thanks. My New Year was good. How was yours?

AlmightyGaming (5 years ago)
I'm doing alright. Thanks. Happy New Year

AlmightyGaming (5 years ago)
Hey, how's it going?

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Oh okay that's cool. :) How are you today?

TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Cool and yes. My future with YT may or may not be bright , because it depends what the new rules will be, however I'll be on VidLii and Vlare, and stuff like that and hopefully grow my channels more and of course, to collect more video games , how about you?
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