Rakso93 Channel
Rakso93 Joined: May 08, 2018 Last Sign In: 5 years ago Subscribers: 2 Video Views: 720 Channel Views: 393
Age: 30

Welcome to my channel!

Nuff said!
(I may change my description later)
Country: Sweden
Interests: Warhammer 40k, Tabletop, painting miniatures, video games
Music: Bass and beats, heavy metal, ambient, techno
Books: Warhammer 40k Rulebooks and Codex/Index, Lord of the rings
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Erik Mokracek and Classix in a nutshell From: Rakso93
Views: 452
Comments: 1
Videos (2)
Erik Mokracek and Classix in a nutshell
Erik Mokracek and Classix in a nutshell 5 years ago
Vrchat - Warhammer 40k MMD Dance
Vrchat - Warhammer 40k MMD Dance 6 years ago
Recent Activity
Rakso93 commented on a video (5 years ago)
Please Leave Me Alone, iloveanime72...
@Cazzy Yup no kidding! That means he is close to 40 and i bet that he may still going to act like a drama king once he reach that age
Rakso93 commented on a video (5 years ago)
Please Leave Me Alone, iloveanime72...
@Cazzy he is 38 years old actually and he is going to turn 39 I believe on march
Rakso93 became friends with TheTradingCardMan64 (5 years ago)
Rakso93 commented on a video (5 years ago)
edray1416's Recent Epic Fail
I thought edray has gotten over about his behavior back in 2015 but since he was acting like an arrogant ass from his recent videos i feel like im los...
Rakso93 became friends with krowkamap (5 years ago)
Channel Comments (37)
TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
You're welcome and thanks. :) How have you been?
TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Hey I hope you have a nice New Year buddy! :)
TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Hey I haven't heard from you in awhile. I hope you're doing good. :)
TheTradingCardMan64 (5 years ago)
Hey how are you?
MusicAndAntiques64 (5 years ago)
Oh cool. Yes I have heard of it before. I've been playing Star Wars Battlefront on my PS4, Max Payne 3 on my PS3, and Borderlands 2 on my PS3. I also got a PS3 game today so I might play it tonight. :)
MusicAndAntiques64 (5 years ago)
You're welcome and ok. Have you played any video games lately?
MusicAndAntiques64 (5 years ago)
Glad you're doing good. It's good hearing from you again. :)
MusicAndAntiques64 (5 years ago)
Hey how's it going?
TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
Hey what's up?
TheVideoGamer64 (5 years ago)
That's cool. :)
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