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Jonkus Joined: May 02, 2019 Subscribers: 2 Channel Views: 111
Occupation: Student
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Jonkus favorited a video (5 years ago)
vidlii poop: gay peter make deez nu...
i wonder what for dinner? deez nut hah godeem!!!!!!!
Jonkus favorited a video (5 years ago)
21 yo mama so gay jokes [100 sub sp...
thanks for the 100 subs, and for helping bring the downward spiral to vidlii!
Jonkus commented on a video (5 years ago)
Lil Peepee - STDick (ft. Choog B)
as a man who has gonorrhea, i can relate
Jonkus commented on a video (5 years ago)
How to be Ninja
i shoved a car up a mans urethra am i i ninja yet???
Jonkus became friends with AirCucumber (5 years ago)
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