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Germany commented on a video (6 years ago) ایم سیډونالډز
Mmmmm my tummy is grumbling |
Germany commented on a video (6 years ago) Death March :3
Wow! The poles wont know what hit them xD |
Germany commented on a video (6 years ago) Nice video of our Wehrmacht
Awesome, really sends chills down my spine! |
Germany commented on a video (6 years ago) Leaked footage from South Germany d...
Great video, thumbs up! |
Channel Comments (4)
gal15111998 (3 weeks ago)
banned in 3...2...1...
bluemoon98 (6 years ago)
heil HYDRA
VidLi (6 years ago)
banned in 3..2..1..
PaleSlavMan (6 years ago)
nice meme
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