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FalcoSama's Channel
FalcoSama Joined: Dec 27, 2024 Last Sign In: 3 weeks ago Subscribers: 7 Channel Views: 31
Age: 36
Country: United States
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FalcoSama became friends with Samanosuke (3 weeks ago)
FalcoSama became friends with Mei (3 weeks ago)
FalcoSama became friends with Yukina (3 weeks ago)
FalcoSama became friends with Goshiro (1 month ago)
FalcoSama became friends with Gosamaru (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (6)
CowgirlCapitalist (3 weeks ago)
Yeah, of course a 36 year old anime watching piece of shit like you with a fruity as fuck looking background would not know how to read a paragraph! But I bet if I were to get into an argument with you, I'd make you look lower than a leprechaun's nutsack along with making you look like a mental midget! Stupid anime watching 36 year old tard, go do something besides watching anime and do something that'll improve your fucking brain! Anime is junk food for the brain, boi! And you're fucking proof!
Goshiro (1 month ago)
Sup Falco?
Yoshimasa (1 month ago)
Hellow Falco!
Gosamaru (1 month ago)
Hellow Falco!
ReverendsLostBrother (1 month ago)
You're a White Nationalist!
CowgirlCapitalist (1 month ago)
HOW BOUT NO?! Not only am I married, I'm loyal to my husband, who's a fucking man! Meanwhile you're a 36 year old manchild anime obsessed loser who probably waxes your carrot to little girls you fucking sick fuck! Or you're probably some homosexual musclehead that likes complimenting other dudes with their muscles and shit! All muscleheads are fucking fruiters! And you have a fucking fruiter background too, boi! Fucking anime watching piece of shit!
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