Dawlatu baqiyah
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FUCKTHEKUFFAR favorited a video (2 months ago) |
FUCKTHEKUFFAR commented on a video (2 months ago) ISIS edit #8
one of my Best edits probably, requested by @OEPOWPWKIE |
FUCKTHEKUFFAR commented on a video (2 months ago) Isis Edit
I just noticed ur on vidlii too, ur edits inspired me to start editing |
FUCKTHEKUFFAR commented on a video (2 months ago) (OC) isis is run by jews edit
LOL, isis didnt even apologize for the attacks, they made a nasheed saying everyone should attack Israel if ur in the middle east |
FUCKTHEKUFFAR commented on a video (2 months ago) EDIT - ISIS HUNTERS
@TMDPacks Wagner Isnt doing anything, they are a bunch of bitches like you |
Channel Comments (17)
OEPOWPWKIE (3 weeks ago)
upload now
TCDPacks (1 month ago)
L (I)srael (S)ecret (I)ntelligence (S)ervice, W Hamas
OEPOWPWKIE (1 month ago)
W isis L Hamas W Zahran hashim
Randocando123 (1 month ago)
@GeorgeLincolnRockwel L ISIS, W Hamas, W Enver Pasha
Randocando123 (1 month ago)
@FUCKTHEKUFFAR no they didn’t, it was just their supporters and the group itself didn’t have anything to do with it yet they take responsibility for it. Same thing with Pulse nightclub
Randocando123 (1 month ago)
@anonymous1588 i dont disagree but ultra nationalist thinking he has the audacity and capability to takfir is CRAZY. Khilafah should return, but an actual one
GeorgeLincolnRockwel (2 months ago)
He visited many countries bruh
FUCKTHEKUFFAR (2 months ago)
Fuck ur saddam and ur ba'athist party, ISIS attacked Israel multiple times
Anonymous1588 (2 months ago)
isis is kafir, it is financed by israel, al bagdadi was jewish and had sex slaves, long live to the arab ba'ath
FUCKTHEKUFFAR (2 months ago)
Lol brenton visited israel every year, wonder why
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