Age: 33
well,ive been around since 2011,looking for a better place to stay,after the youtube went downhill.
I was on zippcast,vstreamrs,and
its been quite a long journey...
i will use this place for chatting,relaxing,nostalgia etc.
im also gonna upload something if i have time
lets have fun together folks
i love anime♥
im from japan. i dont speak english well
well,ive been around since 2011,looking for a better place to stay,after the youtube went downhill.
I was on zippcast,vstreamrs,and
its been quite a long journey...
i will use this place for chatting,relaxing,nostalgia etc.
im also gonna upload something if i have time
lets have fun together folks
i love anime♥
im from japan. i dont speak english well
Country: Japan
Interests: anime,manga,music,singing songs,strolling,relaxing,sleeping
Music: any kind of music. from old ones to the recent ones
Books: dont read books Lol.mostly manga
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Channel Comments (498)
watdat (3 months ago)
windows7dabestonelol (6 months ago)
you still here.
06230714 (1 year ago)
cool user
lemonboy1111 (3 years ago)
hi. are you still here?
TheXanada96 (3 years ago)
Hallo boys
TheVideoGamer64 (4 years ago)
Hey how have you been? :)
MomijiInubashiri (4 years ago)
How's it goin'?
Vedus (4 years ago)
Hi Youmu lets be friends.
Lightstorm91 (4 years ago)
Yeah, I'm back here. I changed my mind again.
MomijiInubashiri (4 years ago)
hello again
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