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Chronoarcaile2018's Channel
Chronoarcaile2018 Joined: Jun 12, 2017 Last Sign In: 7 years ago Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 1,567
Age: 41
Country: United States
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Chronoarcaile2018 but what he did was outright insulted my channel from which he quoted "alright you need to change your godam background man I cant see anything", and even if he was joking,I don't take kindly to any sort of insults or sick unfunnny jokes which is verbal abuse especially when you have no idea what the hell i've been through all my liife,so as for you Mr Delete AustinTheSuperb AustinTheSuperb,you can just go fuck yourself,because I won't tolerate this shit any longer with anymore verbal attacks. (7 years ago)
Chronoarcaile2018 Normally I don't respond to Hate videos on me,but this guy,I'm making an exception. so my message to AustinTheSuperb: listen here you worthless piece of shit Faggot,I don't give a damn if you make anymore hate videos on me or not but hear this,I had every right to defend myself because what Mango did was a personal assult attacking my channel as a sick Joke,now if he would have asked me nicely to at least change the transparency,than I would have been ok with that with no problem,but no,what he (7 years ago)
Chronoarcaile2018 uhhhhhh* My nerve damage is pretty bad right now,I need to lie down for a bit because my head hurts from all the nerve damage I've substained today and last week,i'm gonna go lie down in the dark for awhile................... (7 years ago)
Chronoarcaile2018 and to the faggots that defend Mangomaster,you jerkoffs are nothing but asskissers because again,what he was doing was not joking or friendly constructivee critisim but harrassing me and being rude, and there for crushing my self esteem and I won't tolerate shit like this on my channel,EVER! It's my god damn channel,I'll do whatever the FUCK I want on it! (7 years ago)
Chronoarcaile2018 oh and one more thing,to mangomaster,AustinTheSuperb,afghanistan9 and pivot2parodies. since all four of you whinny faggots harrased me for no reason,I'm Blocking all 4 of you because I will not tolerate this shit one bit on my channel,because I've dealt with enough trolls before in the past on Youtube and I sure as hell don't need to deal with it here. you 4 shit heads are a prime example on why I want to give up on social media sites for good including giving up the internet in general. (7 years ago)
Channel Comments (449)
UnnamedGamer (7 years ago)
Hey Chrono, I'm sorry for what's happening, but what you did was wrong with taking jokes literally. Since you're 34 years old as seen by your profile, I would expect someone who is mature but you just broke down and went on comment rampage. I really want to believe you're nice guy but what you're doing is wrong. Hopefully you learnt from this mistake. (I also would like to apologize for dragging this drama even further but sometimes I feel like throwing my 2 cents in)
audiobotguy03 (7 years ago)
Hey dude,I feel really bad for the drama that has been recently happening to you.I'm really glad you feel great again and that the drama is stopping :),I really don't like to see awesome people like you struggle through drama,drama sucks. :(
Chronoarcaile2018 (7 years ago)
thanks for everything guys and take care,once all the drama has settled down,than maybe one day I'll return to this site,but right now,I'm going through another dangerous panic attack and I can't afford to have another mentle Break down. I need some time off to pull myself together before I lose what little sanity I have left in me. if you guys still want to talk with me,I'll be on my Wenoo and accounts,because I need some peace and quiet to get away from all the drama on this site.
Chronoarcaile2018 (7 years ago)
I'm sorry guys,I try so hard to enjoy this site and make more freinds on here,but theres way too much troll obseessed drama on this site which is no better than all the drama on both Zippcast and Youtube,i'm really sorry guys,but with my mentle condition and nerve damage i've substained from real life issues and past Internet drama I got drugged into that still haunts me,I just can't deal with this anymore. I'll be spending more time on my and Wenoo accounts. thanks for everything guys an
Chronoarcaile2018 (7 years ago)
Guys,I'm thinking of requesting to having my account closed,because this site is infested with so many Shit heads on here and random trolls who do nothing but verbally attack me for no reason and there for crushing my self esteem and worsening my depression.

and to my true friends who stuck by me,thank you all for being there for me when no one else would help me. especially to my true friends on here such as CartoonKid2014,Sayo Chan and a few others,i'm really sorry guys,I try so hard to enjoy
CartoonKid2014 (7 years ago)
*crying and hugs you* I think I'm gonna give up on this site for good, buddy. I don't think my anxiety and panic attacks can take anymore of this. Those faggots have officially ma ruined what's left of my enjoyment of this site. I can't stand to these lowlife jackass hurting you anymore.
ATAndreiThomas (7 years ago)
I can see youtube has turned into more bullshit again and I just knew this was gonna happen to youtube from the very beginning after I left permanently at new years eve 2016 and now look what's happened now I'm glad I avoided more of youtube's Bullshit this year they have continue to shot themselves on the foot big time.
CartoonKid2014 (7 years ago)
Hey, buddy. I gave two of those faggots a piece of my mind. I'm not gonna sit back and watch them harass you for no reason. This site is getting as bad as Zippcast was, with these random jerkoffs just attaching people for no reason. This is why I'm losing hope for the internet in general, buddy. People like this make me sick to my stomach.
DocL (7 years ago)
not trying to be mean but i feel you should know that its a bit difficult to see your channel with the transparency, i suggest you change it lol
bruhmomentguys (7 years ago)
bro. mango was just commenting on how it's a little hard to see stuff cause of your background, and joked a little bit. why tf you acting like he just shot your dog. ffs.
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