BarneyBunchBlood's Channel
Joined: Jun 22, 2019
Last Sign In: 5 years ago Subscribers: 29
Video Views: 4,125 Channel Views: 652
Age: 33
oh shit, this is gay
Country: Afghanistan
Occupation: being a homo
Schools: university of gay
Interests: making gay movies
Movies: gay movies that i make
Music: gay music like assfuck
Books: yaoi
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BarneyBunchBlood commented on a video (5 years ago) |
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BarneyBunchBlood commented on a video (5 years ago) ARTHUR READ GAY POOPY FAGGOT HOMOSE...
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BarneyBunchBlood became friends with BarneyBunchStudios (5 years ago) | |
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BarneyBunchBlood commented on a video (5 years ago) TELETUBBIES SHAMEFUL FAGGOT ORGY AT...
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BarneyBunchBlood commented on a video (5 years ago) Johnny Johnny & The Wiggles | The W...
@AngelusBarney Is that the one SavageBarney started? I'm already on there. |
Channel Comments (17)

LochNessPanda (10 months ago)
RIP :(

PoopyBarney (2 years ago)
We miss you, swell sir. Rest in Peace.

DooMy (5 years ago)
You deserve the ban B)

Altro (5 years ago)
yo bitch ass is about to get banned

AssFucker69 (5 years ago)
*those fucking spergs from the Pooh's Adventures fandom, so in order to avoid this such characters should be featured in one-shot videos with no further appearences or developed into legitimate Barney Bunch characters with the proper care and planning needed for such task in terms of the creative process of video making.

AssFucker69 (5 years ago)
*thus making them unnecessary. If you ask me, that's the last thing I would ever want the BB to emulate. As a result, I understand your point far better, even though I think other characters can be featured in one-shot videos as-is, without making other appearences afterwards unless the creator feels like developing the character so it can be recognized as a true Barney Bunch member.
TL;DR: IMHO, adding tons of characters to the Barney Bunch with no reason for their presence makes us look like*
TL;DR: IMHO, adding tons of characters to the Barney Bunch with no reason for their presence makes us look like*

AssFucker69 (5 years ago)
*Even though my thoughts on the subject have toned down a bit (thanks to the recent minitrend set by Signus and Savage), I do have to admit you were right about it, because let's be honest here, the last thing most of us want to see the BB turned to is Pooh's Adventures Version 2.0. If you have heard of it at some point in time, you would know how much ass it sucks, especially when it comes to featuring a fuckton of characters that contribute jack shit to the videos they're featured in,*

AssFucker69 (5 years ago)
Hey Blood, speaking of past events from the 2016 BB Renaissance, remember when you wrote that comment about the overabundance of unnecessary characters to the Barney Bunch with little thought or planning to their inclusion (which happens to be the exact same one me and Savage have archived in some way, in my case in a Speakonia audio file converted to MP3)? I am going to give my thoughts on it in the most condensed way I can. *

BarneyBunchBlood2 (5 years ago)
2nd channel

SavageBarney69 (5 years ago)
Damn it. I never noticed that. I just uploaded 4-5 videos a few hours ago back to back.
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