Autistic Virgin Dude
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AutisticVirginDude favorited a video (2 months ago) Yet another Notessimo composition
The second composition made by me on Notessimo. |
AutisticVirginDude commented on a video (2 months ago) Classical Broadcast Music Style (CM...
Sorry if have the same two videos. I'm new to the platform, so I thought "Save Changes" was not "Upload video" |
Channel Comments (2)
SkibidiCoffee (2 months ago)
I'm supporting any vidliiers who don't post bad racist memes or nazi edits or pedophilia edits to vidlii since we need more normal people on this site that aren't mentally insane racists or pedophiles or Zionists
SkibidiCoffee (2 months ago)
Make vidlii great again
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