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The best one
Anthony3 Joined: May 01, 2022 Last Sign In: 1 hour ago Subscribers: 24 Video Views: 666 Channel Views: 274
Age: 83
Those purer souls discontented as the decades pass
In the deepest mountains escaping the wrath of time
Their numbers are many but their essence is mine
For I am the spirit of their existence
I am them

Er... I upload random webm files and flashes I find on my hard drive
Country: Japan
Interests: Japanese culture, Anime, Reading
Music: Japanese Pop, vocaloid, and Black Metal
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Anthony3 became friends with kapu (1 second ago)
Anthony3 commented on a video (14 minutes ago)
Anthony3 commented on a video (1 hour ago)
Cirno proves that every Boolean rin...
Wow Cidoku, your voice is so cute! I'm sorry for ever doubting you were an underage girl!!
Anthony3 became friends with koshka (2 years ago)
Anthony3 became friends with LunaticReptid (2 years ago)
Channel Comments (3)
731eibon (1 year ago)
Cool channel background
Sammy (2 years ago)
.swf is the future of entertainment
terribleterrio (2 years ago)
a man's .swf folder is his informational wallet.
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