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AngryRussianGuy's Channel
AngryRussianGuy Joined: Jan 01, 2025 Last Sign In: 1 day ago Subscribers: 3 Video Views: 100 Channel Views: 21
Age: 17
Country: Russia
Interests: Philosophy, Culture, The World
Music: Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Edvard Grieg, Beethoven
Books: The tragic story of Hamlet
Connect with AngryRussianGuy
Recent Activity
AngryRussianGuy commented on a video (3 weeks ago)
why is this in my recommendations after 20 years?
AngryRussianGuy commented on a video (3 weeks ago)
Good Times
@DarioDaftrio so suddenly
AngryRussianGuy commented on a video (3 weeks ago)
michael jackson - thriller - (offic...
beat it is better than this song
AngryRussianGuy Hello, friends. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am Angry Russian Guy, rock star and idol of millions. My videos are a kick in the balls to a society of degenerates. My videos are for those who don't like this society. But if you're a degenerate and you like my videos, watch them anyway. I love them too. Now about the blog. In this blog, you can 1. Speaking rudely 2. Foment conflicts between countries. 3. Rude (You can be rude to everyone except girls who have rabbits on their avatars) (2 months ago)
AngryRussianGuy I hate everything! (2 months ago)
Subscribers (3)
he's a cat flushing a toilet From: AngryRussianGuy
Views: 68
Comments: 2
Videos (3)
he's a cat flushing a toilet
he's a cat flushing a toilet 3 weeks ago
I Know your phone number (A song)
I Know your phone number (A song) 4 weeks ago
Playing the guitar
Playing the guitar 1 month ago
Channel Comments (2)
AngryRussianGuy (2 months ago)
You can't post on this blog.
1. Criticize me. Because I'm very vulnerable.
AngryRussianGuy (2 months ago)
Hello, friends. Thank you for visiting my blog. I am Angry Russian Guy, rock star and idol of millions. My videos are a kick in the balls to a society of degenerates. My videos are for those who don't like this society. But if you're a degenerate and you like my videos, watch them anyway. I love them too.

Now about the blog.
In this blog, you can
1. Speaking rudely
2. Foment conflicts between countries.
3. Rude (You can be rude to everyone except girls who have rabbits on their avatars)
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