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ANTIFASlayer Joined: Sep 02, 2023 Last Sign In: 2 days ago Subscribers: 28 Channel Views: 568
Age: 43
Greetings ladies and gents (fuck you leftists). I am the brother of RINOHunter, and I slay ANTIFA thugs that like to attack police officers and burn down cities. And I am a proud supporter of the SnyderVerse. I shall boycott James Gunn's new DCU for he is an employee of Disney here to sabotage DC.

And also fuck any big corporation/studio exec that thinks its okay to shit on the fans (looking at you Seth Rogen, James Gunn). The fans are the ones that buy toys and movie tickets, w/o them YOU ALL ARE NOTHING!!!
Country: Canada
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Jake Long Talks From: RINOHunter
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Jake Long Talks
Jake Long Talks 1 year ago
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Channel Comments (96)
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
Fuck Trump and fuck Biden! And you know that's just proof that Trump is a leftist asshole since he has leftists and BLM supporting him, you dumb puto! I'm just going to leave the President blank when I vote, because no one running for republican is a fucking republican anymore! I'll never fucking forgive Trump for creating the vaccine, and from the retarded shit you say, I bet you're vaccinated! I still care about that covid jab, unlike your stupid vaxxed ass!
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Oh, so you're one of those idiots. Bet you voted for Gary "What is Aleppo" Johnson, didn't you, you piece of crap? Reproductive rights, give me a fucking goddamn break! Women that get abortions are soulless pieces of crap, and women are pieces of crap that need to get back in the kitchen and do something productive! Yeah, tell that to you anime jerk dicks that look at pictures of little girls and fucked up shit! And not hurting anyone? What about you idiots wasting tax payer money, boi?
Fallconn (1 year ago)
ReverendCapitalist (1 year ago)
And you're going to be raped by Satan with a pitch fork once you die! REPENT!
GunRangeCapitalist (1 year ago)
Fucking freaky bondage obsessed freaky autist incel! And are you serious? Wonderwoman? That stupid feminist icon bitch? I can fucking tell you're a fucking liberal, because liking comic books is cringe enough!
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
And you can get cancer of the cock! Christie is the only adult in the fucking room! Who the fuck is James Gunn anyway, I don't know who that is because I don't keep up with that stupid shit! Trump was on Epstein's flight log, and knew Epstein personally, Christie didn't associate with Epstein!
HipHopCapitalist (1 year ago)
Fuck yo banana, nigga! An fuckin hell is the Snyderverse, stupid nigga? I don't get stupid dumbazz nerd terminology!
JombsMinion (1 year ago)
HipHopCapitalist (1 year ago)
Fuck yo azz mean he's a DNC paid shill, nigga? Just cuz Ghost don't like Trump and refuses to vote for Trump if he becomes nominee? Nigga, Trump betrayed all us with shutting down small businesses, shuttin down the country, an creating the damn covid jab!
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
And you give republicans a bad name and so does stupid Trump! I hate Biden too, but do you really think that asshole is going to save the gas prices? You might as well vote for Christie because Christie can win because he's the only adult in the room! Trump will just cost us everything in 2024!
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