4dojo's Channel
Joined: Sep 03, 2017
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This website is deader than Ezra Miller’s acting career.
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Occupation: Nurse
Schools: Orange County Community College
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RainMan (7 years ago)
I forgive you

RobouteGuilliman (7 years ago)
Sad to hear that, unfourtnately I never played command & conquer generals and Zero hour. I do own that game (The regular Generals) but it didn't work on my old computer but not sure if it does on my latest computer.

RainMan (7 years ago)
Why didn't you comment on my channel?

TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Thanks man . Happy Black Friday to you too. How was your day?

dickman3 (7 years ago)
4dojo? More like Nintendo64dojo.

TowerDude (7 years ago)
happy murder the indians hail pilgrims day

RobouteGuilliman (7 years ago)
well it was late 2006 I turned 13 so the close halo game I can think of was Halo 3 whish came out one year later, even though I never played Halo 3 at that time.
I was into games like Counter-Strike, Command & Conquer 3 (if you ever heard of that game) half-life etc. Of course I didn't owned a gaming console in that generation like the PS3 example. I was more into PC. :P
I was into games like Counter-Strike, Command & Conquer 3 (if you ever heard of that game) half-life etc. Of course I didn't owned a gaming console in that generation like the PS3 example. I was more into PC. :P

jawed (7 years ago)
happy thanksgiving to you too dude

dickman3 (7 years ago)
Oh ok.

apreese16 (7 years ago)
Happy Thanks Giving to u too!
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