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New Ownership

I am extremely pleased to announce that, rather than becoming a read-only archive, VidLii will instead be experiencing a change of ownership, and all interactivity—including video uploading, commenting, subscriptions, etc.—will remain fully intact.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, Jan will be transferring all of VidLii's data and software over to my ownership. The site will be hosted on an excellent and reliable new provider, the Kolyma Network, which brings some much-needed infrastructure improvements, as well as a very talented and dedicated team whom I'm very excited to begin working with.

We are all well aware that VidLii is currently in a pretty rough condition, plagued by new issues in addition to many lingering old ones. Upon assuming full ownership, my first priorities will be the following:

- Remove the intrusive, deceptive, and low-quality advertising which is currently everywhere on the site.
- Improve video quality to something acceptable: 360p/480p is the immediate goal, with 720p being not too far off.
- Fix any critical or serious bugs now existing in the code, either with the assistance of Jan or with Kolyma's skilled developers.

In addition, one of the things which made VidLii so enjoyable to use was its freedom, and its commitment to free speech, something that old YouTube also possessed in abundance. Rest assured that I will be preserving this important aspect of the site, and will strive to keep VidLii a fun place with minimal rules for users to upload (almost!) whatever videos they want.

I've been using VidLii for over four years now and have come to love it, so this is a dream come true for me. I simply couldn't bear to see it become a cold, static shell of what it once was, and now you don't need to, either. I'm very excited to see what the future will bring for a revitalized VidLii.

— lolwut