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tageneislover's Channel
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Nov 08, 2017
Τα μιμίδια (αγγλικά : memes) αποτελούν θεμελιώδεις μονάδες-φορείς πολιτισμικής κληρονομιάς (τραγούδια, τρόποι συμπεριφοράς, μόδα, επιστημονικές ιδέες, θρησκευτικές πεποιθήσεις/δοξασίες, κτλ), οι οποίες μεταδίδονται από το ένα άτομο στο άλλο. Η μιμιδιακή στατιστική(τομέας υπαγόμενος στην [στατιστική] ψυχολογία και την κοινωνική ανθρωπολογία) μελετά την μετεξέλιξη και την εξάπλωση των μιμημάτων.
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tageneislover If you want to see more of my content, just find me on Twitter and Youtube (the name's the same for both). (6 years ago)
tageneislover VidLii is still garbage kek. (6 years ago)
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no u
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tageneislover commented on a video (6 years ago)
Channel Comments (98)
tageneislover (7 years ago) The new Bubsy game was released this Halloween, under the name "Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back", with people calling it pretty decent. The biggest complain was the fact that the price was too high for such a short game. But it received some pretty okay scores... for a Bubsy game atleast.
tageneislover (7 years ago) You can still download the "remastered" version of Bubsy 3D for free at It's pretty much a meme so don't expect too much. In 2017, right after the Bubsy memes kind of came back with the trailer for the third playable character for Sonic Forces, a new Bubsy game is being announced. It was brought back by a new Accolade, based in Hong Kong. It's not the original company though. The rights for the franchises and the names were just bought. It's kind of like the Atari situation.
tageneislover (7 years ago) Accolade stopped producing Bubsy games. The company was merged with Infogrames (which was kind of a European Accolade) a few years later. In 2009, Infogrames shut down. After a few years, people like Jontron, Somecallmejohnny and Caddicarus reviewed the Bubsy games very negatively. This immidietly led to creating a decent amount of fantastic memes! Around the same period, a "remastered" version of Bubsy 3D was created by Arcane Kids.
tageneislover (7 years ago) And after that disaster, we got something even worse. We got something so bad that killed Bubsy for years. That "glorious" creation was called "Bubsy 3D". It was one of the worst PS1 games ever. It had horrible controls, annoying and repetitive platforming, choppy animations and the game looked like an alpha build. Seriously. I'm not even trying to make a joke here.
tageneislover (7 years ago) Those mistakes also appeared in the second game, although they were kind of improved. Things were somehow okay for Bubsy (if you can call them "okay"), but then the third game happened. It was so broken that you could fall THROUGH A PLATFORM! But what do you expect? The game was released on the Atari Jaguar this time. A very shitty console if you ask me.
tageneislover (7 years ago) Bubsy isn't just a video game. It's a video game franchise actually. Bubsy started out in the 1990's with a game being released in 1993 for the SNES and the Sega Genesis. It was... okay (?) in my opinion, although it was flawed. Sure, it was really good looking, the voice acting was great and the multiple funny-looking death animations were a nice touch, but it had FALLING DAMAGE and the controlled were garbage.
4dojo (7 years ago) Never heard of Bubsy before. Is it a good game?
tageneislover (7 years ago) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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