iloveanime721backup(5 years ago)
lol i'm confused. but i'm willing to check it out. i might go to bed. my mind's fuzzy since i'm on blood pressure medication >.< . i'll do vc tommomorw. goodnight XD
scribble(5 years ago)@xiloveanime721x and im talking about discord btw. it's all free. no costs.
iloveanime721backup(5 years ago)
the website version is where you hook up manual? and what's a mobile version? does that automatically hooks inside any device? and is it good quality voice?
scribble(5 years ago)@xiloveanime721x ok let me clarify this so you can understand. you can either use the desktop version or the mobile version. for any devices. like the tablet for example. no costs. like i said. it's free.
scribble(5 years ago)@xiloveanime721x it's just an app for download. the app works on any device. no cost. it's free.
iloveanime721backup(5 years ago)
hey app on laptops is they're costly? and do they carry free apps? i hate things that's so costly. my sister gonna kill me D:
iloveanime721backup(5 years ago)
i tried. still fail at it. i may have to look it up on youtube. is it ok i do it tommorow though? soon i may be to bed though D: