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LolwutPear (1 year ago)
Fuck you nigger

spiderfan (6 years ago)
It is coming. Memorial Day weekend along with other IRL stuff have delayed the production. Trust me I wanted the video out earlier too.

mattwo (6 years ago)
@spiderfan If it's from you, I don't care, you don't have any credibility anymore. Besides, you would know more than me and Ali more than you.

spiderfan (6 years ago)
@mattwo Not fun being called out huh?

mattwo (6 years ago)
@spiderfan Me doing such a thing only exists in your imagination. Unlike you I am capable of thinking for myself. Shouldn't you be working on a video right now btw?

spiderfan (6 years ago)
I see how your having fun riding the Spiderfan Hate Train.

mattwo (6 years ago)
@PCgamer2231 Also the "education" category is worse off than you implied.

mattwo (6 years ago)
@PCgamer2231 it's shit. Aside from the Alisson drama, not much has changed.

PCgamer2231 (6 years ago)
What do you think about Vidlii as of May 2018? I saw a user post a rude spam video in the Education Category not too long ago.

4dojo (7 years ago)
I kinda agree that we don't so much need yt alternatives as maybe a better yt. But the community here is better
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