lemonboy1111 Channel
lemonboy1111 Joined: Jul 21, 2017 Subscribers: 376 Video Views: 14,839 Channel Views: 27,360
Age: 44
you can call me theron. name pronounced thee-ron

i change my username due to my love for GOD. anything you show as an example respesents who you are. that will not set you to make it to heaven and eternal life from GOD
Country: United States
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Videos (374)
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lemonboy1111 commented on a video (3 hours ago)
ButtHurt Kiddies 2: Fake YouTube ch...
dude, welcome back but... don't you think you ought to ignore this? i got treated the worst but i ignore them. people won't change
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (2 days ago)
? Did Bigfoot Exist ?
revelation 17 mentions aboutcthe beast who controls the system. bigfoot is a deception from the tyrants of this system. the hards evidence is how come...
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (3 days ago)
a message to Tranium. what if vidli...
@Bernkastel876 it seems that way but it's synched
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (3 days ago)
The Fun Side of Old YouTube Clone S...
@BraxBoi when a system taught low faith or standards, humanity is very vulnerable. I dealt with that. but I came across that I grown sick and tired o...
lemonboy1111 commented on a video (3 days ago)
a message to Tranium. what if vidli...
@Bernkastel876 hmm i'm not sure. though I talked quietly due to my oldest sister was in the presence. talking on the net in the separate room, she mi...
Channel Comments (3,549)
4dojo (3 days ago)
It’s cool to see that one of the original video channels is still active.
lemonboy1111 (1 week ago)
@easypass according the GOD's word it's not true. anybody claim themselves as worshippers of GOD are actually worshippers of Satan. I don't know deflee56. but some church believe in the secret rapture. doesn't says in the Bible except for Jesus second coming. secret rapture promotes ALL religion, even those who lacks repentance to make it to heaven. when she's the one promoting enslavery? I see that as a slap in the face
easypass (1 week ago)
I thought dflee56 was a friend why did he block you both are christian.
shinto (1 week ago)
do you know any mod as friend if not forget it
being mod is by word of mouth like cops.. friend refer friend a job same.
just common sense.
iluv (1 week ago)
you like rap music funny :)
lemonboy1111 (2 weeks ago)
it's in the past foolcoon. I don't blend in with the minds of society. society is unrepentant and evil and keep one enslave
foolcoon (2 weeks ago)
you get upset when someone block you.. me too
it sux
foolcoon (2 weeks ago)
anthony is jobless and no hobby.
lemonboy1111 (3 weeks ago)
@derodero well, it's not possible for a soul to escape the life of human. Satan's creation is very different from humanity. humanity was formed from dust with the breath of life which brings man to life found in genesis 2:7
derodero (4 weeks ago)
if u do astral projection would u go to hell in your religion
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