Country: Japan
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lalinsky became friends with JGDookie (3 days ago) | ||
lalinsky became friends with SunnyThePedo (6 months ago) | ||
lalinsky became friends with RaulGarciaBueno (6 months ago) | ||
lalinsky became friends with TommyParky150 (10 months ago) | ||
lalinsky became friends with TheUsername777 (10 months ago) |
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Channel Comments (287)
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Cool! :)
4dojo (2 years ago)
That's pretty cool. I gotta make sure if I ever visit they have big Macs I've there. 😋
4dojo (2 years ago)
I always wanted to visit Japan. Do they have McDonald's there?
AlguienDemas (2 years ago)
Hola como andas ?
4dojo (2 years ago)
Nothing much. Just working. How goes life on vidlii?
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Oh nice! I bet it's so beautiful over there.
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
I'm from the United States. :) How about you?
SamusXSnake (2 years ago)
Your background is so cool. It's a channel to surpass metal gear. ;)
666 (2 years ago)
SamusXSnake (2 years ago)
This is Snake. Do you read me colonel?
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