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Channel Comments (287)
scouton2 (1 year ago)
Hey its me, again, So, I make my new account, Wanna friends again?
SakumatoChan (1 year ago)
hello there ! ^^ not much , just chilling at the moment , how are you?
AlguienDemas (1 year ago)
Kon'nichiwa kurutta kodomo
Banananarquista (1 year ago)
you do not speak Spanish?
t800 (1 year ago)
Endlessky (1 year ago)
aaand thank u sooo much!! I appreciate it TwT
aaand thank u sooo much!! I appreciate it TwT
DELETEDrHM52Tp86YNeW (1 year ago)
Logic (1 year ago)
what's up
GG (1 year ago)
and opportunities. We can learn nu thngs, connect wif ppl frum different backgrounds, and create amazin thngs together. Its a double-edged sword, I supose.
Over@l, I think da internt is a reflection of ourselves, both da good and da bad. Its up 2 us 2 use it in a way dat reflects our valyues and helps us create da world we want 2 live in.
Over@l, I think da internt is a reflection of ourselves, both da good and da bad. Its up 2 us 2 use it in a way dat reflects our valyues and helps us create da world we want 2 live in.
GG (1 year ago)
a place 4 exchangin inform@tion and communic@ting wif ppl frum around da world. Now, itz a vast and complex network dat touches every aspect of our lives.
Sometyms I wnder if wev lost somethin in da prossess of this evolushun. It seems lyk wev becum so rel@nt on da internt dat wev forgoten how 2 connect wif each other in mor meaningfl ways. We sp3nd so much tym starin @ scre3ns dat we forget 2 look up and eng@g wif da world around us.
But den agen, da internt has also givn us incr@dible tools
Sometyms I wnder if wev lost somethin in da prossess of this evolushun. It seems lyk wev becum so rel@nt on da internt dat wev forgoten how 2 connect wif each other in mor meaningfl ways. We sp3nd so much tym starin @ scre3ns dat we forget 2 look up and eng@g wif da world around us.
But den agen, da internt has also givn us incr@dible tools
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