grizzlyten's Channel
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Dec 27, 2024
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1 month ago
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MatthewRC MatthewRC
Videos: 1
Video Views: 37
Subscribers: 22
EvesGarden EvesGarden
Videos: 6
Video Views: 112
Subscribers: 8
Recent Activity
grizzlyten became friends with AnalogKid (1 month ago)
grizzlyten became friends with woojoke (1 month ago)
grizzlyten became friends with ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
grizzlyten became friends with EvesGarden (1 month ago)
grizzlyten became friends with MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Channel Comments (23)
MatthewRC (1 month ago) I've never tried yoga. You told me about that Months ago. I do remember you telling me about the mat ect. My Doctor gave me specific stretches that target the rib area, so that's what I'm currently doing. I'm sure yoga helps though. So far what he's told me to do is working. I'm sorry you had a lapse. How is your back doing now?

have a blessed day today up in Canada ♡ .
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Hey, good after noon dear Cheryl. No, there isn't much they can do. She fell from a high height and slipped a disc in her back. I'm rehabilitating her in hopes that she walks again. There is a chance, i just have to be constant on the rehabilitation.
AnalogKid (1 month ago) Well, look who the cat dragged in? What a nice surprise to see you Cheryl! How are you doing? I think a lot of us were waiting to see if CS1 ever came back, but I'm pretty sure it's done for good this time. Really didn't expect to see you on this site, but glad you're here. How was your Christmas? Stop on by and fill me in on what you have been doing.
woojoke (1 month ago) Hello Cheryl, it's great hearing from you again! I be mostly at Scenefeed now as though there there's also be trolls they are more avoidable there.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago) I remember you Cheryl. It's nice to see you here. Thank you for the invite :) I gladly accepted. I hope you had a great holiday.
EvesGarden (1 month ago) Grrr one bad feature, limited words for comments.. anywhooo. welcome to Vidlii and my Garden..TTYS ~Eve ~
EvesGarden (1 month ago) Hi Cheryl, Was not sure you'd remember me from Chill . I was all about eve, lol my mom's fav movie.. Glad to see you here, but was wondering are you keeping both websites for your SM? I saw you already had many friends on SF.. Too many nasty trolls there for me.. I have been down for almost 2 weeks now with a virus of some kind.. Mostly a dry cough, followed by sneezing attacks.. I. know others have the same thing, Not COVID but maybe some had the jabs, not me.(cont.)
MatthewRC (1 month ago) Ur most welcome dear ♡ I can't remember what your Bg was on chill or if you had one. sometimes people like the plain color BG which is perfectly fine. I always liked your aqua colors.. Tty soon cheryl :)
MatthewRC (1 month ago) yes, I remember. She's going through chronic health problems and recently teeth problems if I remember correctly, they were bugging her on vacation..I'll keep sending her some prayers. My ribs are feeling good, thanks to alot of stretching. It's amazing what bad posture through the years can do to damage you. Do you have any new years plans? I'm going to treat myself to a decent priced bottle of wine, it's the only time of year ill allow myself to drink.
MatthewRC (1 month ago) I don't like the word restriction either. I've been good. I don't know if I told you about my rib problems but they've been much better. I had another cat get injured. she cant walk on her back legs, so im dealing with that now on top of Cowboys, but its ok. I gotta run off for alittle bit. I'm glad to see your presence again. How have you been doing over the Holidays?
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