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boa654's Channel
boa654 Joined: Aug 24, 2018 Last Sign In: 1 year ago Subscribers: 287 Video Views: 1,335 Channel Views: 11,931
i like what i like i dont care if you hate the stuff i like and i dont care if you hate me i am who i am i like what i like i hate what i hate

my birthday is july 27 im a girl fav color pink fav flower rose fav food pizza fav animal orca fav mythical creature mermaid fav movie anastasia fav anime cardcaptor sakura fav singer nana mizuki fav drink mountain dew religion christian im a girl im kind gentle funny selfless shy brave friendly headstrong mischievous impish strong willed adventurous confident playful smart curious spirited outspoken

i love anime manga and video games a lot i got a account here because youtube is starting to suck i hate google i also hate 4kids and tammy newborn a lot i dont care what you think of me im pro monarchy if you dont like it thats fine and i love the romanovs japan and orcas a lot i love adventure and am very smart im a strong person im nice most of the time but i am very scary if you make me mad im also anti orca captivity i love fish and just anything from water
im i have a boyfriend im a shipper i love to make friends my anime love is kyo sohma from fruits basket i love cartoons and don bluth im open minded i love fruits i love to try new stuff i only know english i have autism but im the smart kind i dont post real life info online

i was kamichamakarinfan824/ashley star who is not my real name on youtube but jewtube got rid of me 3 times youtube is gay now
i also cant stand weaaboos come on not all dubs are bad most are good im so sick of people commenting on videos saying the dub sucks then why watch it you also say how the characters sound to old look here japan gives voices to old for characters to and some japanese voices are bad also your not japanese get over it i dont mind
SonicStirfe or the tie up spammers they are just jokeing around some of my videos are inspired by SonicStirfe and them

users that fail epicly
the dog gang
yogi and his group
all the Capitalist accounts

My rules (for those who attempt to troll me)
You troll me, I win
You spam me, I win
You flame me, I win
You block me, I win
You turn off your channel, I win
You make a video about me, I win
You report me, I win
You clone me, I win
You say I'm behind sock accounts, I win
You get your friends to troll me, I win
You hack me, I win.
You have friendlock on, I win
You disable your comments, I win
Interests: anime manga video games art history science shopping swimming reading singing math basketball baseball walking shopping pizza
Movies: anastasia land before time the last unicorn the swan princess free willy an american tail born free the last samurai star wars
Music: nana mizuki ritsuko okazaki yui horie megumi hayashibara aya hirano myco Namie Amuro rica matsumoto LIA the beatles
Books: one piece fruits basket gakuen alice shugo chara inuyasha cardcaptor sakura sailor moon tokyo mew mew full moon ouran inuyasha
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SonicStirfe is tied up From: boa654
Views: 225
Comments: 9
Videos (11)
SonicStirfe is tied up
SonicStirfe is tied up 1 year ago
a picture of RoeVWade4ever
a picture of RoeVWade4ever 1 year ago
a  picture of RoeVWade4ever
a picture of RoeVWade4ever 1 year ago
a picture of Darkhorse and Mookie
a picture of Darkhorse and Mookie 2 years ago
a picture of Darkhorse and Mookie
a picture of Darkhorse and Mookie 2 years ago
a picture of Darkhorse and Mookie
a picture of Darkhorse and Mookie 2 years ago
a picture of iloveanime721
a picture of iloveanime721 2 years ago
Favorites (168)
Recent Activity
boa654 became friends with MrFriend (1 month ago)
boa654 became friends with Himari (2 months ago)
boa654 became friends with TowaChan (2 months ago)
boa654 became friends with ModernXP (3 months ago)
boa654 became friends with LarsDeckers (4 months ago)
Channel Comments (1,074)
TheBDSMScientist (1 year ago)
I'm the new tie up spammer!!! AKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA
Gosaku (1 year ago)
I'm tempted to make a video on her.
Danzo (1 year ago)
As for that one guy? Some trolls shouldn't go far, but it's just a troll. I'm not mad btw.
Danzo (1 year ago)
Me and Bi Han, really need to put a list of request, so we can keep track of what we need to make.
NickAdamsAlt (1 year ago)
How about me and you go on a date to IHOL. It's an Alphamale paradise.
PinkPrincess (1 year ago)
I'm glad that's over with and I agree with you, it was stupid of him to joke about that... some people get too carried away with politics it's ridiculous 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
JombsMinion (1 year ago)
Why thank you. Sometimes you got to take breaks. I am one of the reasons why the Tokugawa stay on sites like these. They need me and I need them.
Gojimaru (1 year ago)
Don't worry about it. You're good. If you want to know if they are a troll or not, stick by us. We'll let you know.
Sakurako (1 year ago)
LOL! Good job.
DarkhorseTDG (1 year ago)
The United Nations is going to legalize pedophilia worldwide.
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