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YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
Can not talking the bs pass situation. I need move on make good content as a better person. I still break on VL for wild rn. Pls just don't talk about it ever
I promise wit you.😒
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
@boa654 My Fault he was 20 but still you don't need attention those niggas. I don't fw DogGang. I exposed some Mookie trolls and i move on. Trust me. You don't let me going end up like Mookie
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
@unblockable Okay 20 years old. I Thought he was 24. my fault
Unblockable posted a comment 7 months ago
@boa654 Be careful, ytp is lying. Brandon is 20 years old, not 24. Besides, he wasn't even acting explicitly.
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
@boa654 nah bro. I not working wit PedoHorse and Mookie. I doing this my own. It's because i need it looking found something to troll them. I don't fw DogGang shit. They all cap
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
@boa654 are you sure about that. 24 year old is grow and talking to minor about catfish incident and false claim on me is wired 😂 like grow up
boa654 posted a comment 7 months ago
24 is not that old
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
Brandon is 24 yrs old
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
@boa654 Yk, we was Mookie Trolls until beef. So ain't no fan that Mookie and of those niggas. I do it myself
boa654 posted a comment 7 months ago
i saw that video and it fucking sucked brandon is not even that old and i know it your a mookie fan fuck you
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
Thank You for listen to my exposed video. I doing the right thing to exposed them. I really hate exposed but i have to do it. Anyways, i need it break on VL for a wild. I miss you guys
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
Thank you for everything nice about, i gonna do it my own way and focus rebuilt my life and show it to be better person.
I love you guy's and I see you in weeks of month. idcf
Good Bye everyone
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
Thanks for everything on VidLii community. I love VidLii community, they some nice people and it's like OG YT that really like.
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
shut out to Seth and Chris about the problem of Mookie Trolls fell off and it's scary. Because these internet friends wanna test to me, whatever is good or bad but i wanna be better person and keep make video and post to make more people happy. they don't give it shit. So i don't care two. If they gonna apology's to me for a action, then i will respect it. not now, maybe next week or month. I gonna do it my month and focus of entertaining.Nobody cares these bs, i just keep make it until love
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
I got learned change my soul little bit and just upload good shit and i want everyone happy and bad. I just nice Mookie trolls and legend and everyone trusting me and love me. They worry about my situation but it's not my business. We Mookie troll together and now this. That's pathetic and i start quit troll very soon.
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
Yk, sometimes we was cool together. We was troll Mookie together and send it fake screenshots to call him Pedo. Also i invite thrihard server to took Fat Albert and Pedo Horse down. During Mookie take it break of internet for a month, every break change for bad. We no long trolls friends due to a Brandon add 15 Yr Jerryd Smith from NEHS due to of my posting to my story of Instagram. It's fucked up and disgusting but i just don't pay attention and end up like Mookie. These niggas like 2 faces.
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
yo bro, i need break little bit VidLii for a wild. Because of Brandon(Iceninekillsfan69) add 15 year old Jerryd Smith for High School and make false excuse about my catfish. No IRL shit, I was victim of Catfish tho, ain't no play victim of cap but it was a truth. Thanks of Brandon. I gotta make video on VL about why Mookie Trolls are fail off. A however these niggas say about me, just don't pay attention. That evidence is fake and there's no 10 yr girls but fake page of grow ass female.
YtpCenturyFoxS posted a comment 7 months ago
@Shizuka Hello
boa654 posted a comment 7 months ago
your right i wil keep owning them but i want to fight a badass who puts up a fight
Shizuka posted a comment 7 months ago

About YtpCenturyFoxS

YTP Century Fox is a network production studios based on found in 16 years ago by Jody Gwazi. In VL, we have tv shows, music and more from general audience
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Sep 05, 2024
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