Lol wut
Joined: Aug 13, 2022
Last Sign In: 2 weeks ago Subscribers: 116
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Age: 13
I have been resurrected from the dead by aniki.
New Channel @SapphireBlue
New Channel @SapphireBlue
Country: United States
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JackFrew makes a the most retarded video about me and gets fucking killed by me.
8 months ago
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LolwutPear I have been resurrected (3 weeks ago) |
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Temu (4 months ago)
Shop like a billionaire on Temu! Get a 20 dollar PS4 on Temu NOW!
LolwutPear (9 months ago)
@a3obWarrior because ukraine has a jewish president
a3obWarrior (9 months ago)
@AltRightGaming Why
LolwutPear (9 months ago)
@a3obWarrior no
a3obWarrior (9 months ago)
Stop hating on Ukraine faggot
LolwutPear (9 months ago)
@Madoka1920 I tried that and it doesn't work anymore.
Madoka1920 (9 months ago)
is: gizayuks
fffffffflf (9 months ago)
alt right is dead
LanXoabTheGoose (9 months ago)
Yo y u have less than 10 subs, the hell r devs doing rn?
LolwutPear (9 months ago)
v no
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