Maltesich's Channel
Joined: Dec 21, 2018
Last Sign In: 1 month ago Subscribers: 110
Video Views: 3,474 Channel Views: 1,304
Occupation: death
Schools: the dumbies
Interests: MY BOYFRIENd!!!
Movies: diary of a wimpy kid movies
Music: rap
Books: diary of a wimpy kid books
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Recent Activity
Maltesich became friends with somose1970 (1 year ago) | ||
Maltesich became friends with XYClanKILLER2 (1 year ago) | ||
Maltesich became friends with LolwutPear (1 year ago) | ||
Maltesich commented on a video (1 year ago) |
Maltesich commented on a video (1 year ago) I Hate Soulja Boy
soulja boy ;D |
Friends (43)
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Channel Comments (17)
Maltesich (5 months ago)
vidliisucksdick (7 months ago)
GG (2 years ago)
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
That's good. Same here
Maltesich (2 years ago)
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
Hey how are you?
TheVideoGamer64 (2 years ago)
You're very welcome. :)
Cazzy (3 years ago)
It's okay. don't worry. x3 I forgot I commented on your channel as it was 2 years ago. xD
Cazzy (3 years ago)
Hey and really? I still see my comment and it says "Welcome to VidLii", but it's okay. x3
ThePowerOf2 (3 years ago)
vidlii 2.0
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