Tempel ov Vindex
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Sep 01, 2024
The 'coming of Vindex' which is described by Grand Master Anton Long of the Order of Nine Angles as the arrival of a 'person of destiny' who will possess the needed skills and abilities to mount a considerable offensive against forces that are detrimental to the Sinister Dialectic and rally forces which will invoke future, Sinister energies is not an uncommon theme. Such is virtually the same as the 'arrival of the warrior Christ' in Aryanism influenced Christian cults (He comes, his vesture dripped in blood with a sword in hand, riding upon a white horse, flanked by celestial starships to cleanse the earth planet of anti-evolutionary Jewish forces and their willing lackeys) or the 'incarnation of Kalki' as told in the Vedic myths (a warrior figure, similar to the above mentioned 'warrior Christ'). Such archetypes can be manipulated within their respective cults in order to, more and more, make attributes of their archetype equal to that of Vindex.
Likewise, a Vindex-type figure within the primitive sub- cultural Devil Worship cults can be seen in the figure of 'the Antichrist'. This 'Antichrist is the leader of darkness, a man of destiny, who is born into a physical body and rises to power in order to utterly wipe out the forces of Christianity and (Magian) Messianic hopes - establishing a new Satanic Order upon the earth planet. In that sense, both 'Christ' and 'the Antichrist' are forms which can be manipulated by Sinister adherents to anticipate the arrival of Vindex.
Satan is my teacher
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a actual good brenton edit #2
well not really a brenton edit but yeah
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@NemesisTheFirst 😈
Channel Comments (67)
joinvidlii0 (1 week ago) neo nazis are all spic none are white
few are like sturmgeist189 real nazis
their brown ugly and worse than the black they want us to hate.
joinvidlii0 (1 week ago) not just broken but hater who play victim and are trolling for fun at our expense we are victim of spic hate crime i had enough!
easypass (1 week ago) friend we dont need hater and those who treat us like dirt.. it payback
time to fight for our rights. to be respected fuck them.. you know who they are.
the1tbharddrive is a spic just like kyonyuu3 a scumbag useless criminal. hateful.
thefwho (1 week ago) you and me are the same. we think alike. in term of like and dislike. you are smarter. i respect you.
luna0 (1 week ago) kkk
retardation (1 week ago) xxx
fuckbitview (1 week ago) i had to censor nipple or i get ban. feminist made it this way. a bitch ikr
thefwho (1 week ago) dflee56 censor comment like a nigga and ignore invite
he is a bigot!
iambusy (1 week ago) hi Sep 06, 2024
hahalol0 Bombaclat The food here is 100% clean, and, in my religion eating pork is forbidden because the swine/pig eats its own shit their shit has over 50000 bacterias, and this bacteria is able to spread in the stomach and the body just in few minutes, which makes the meat toxic. Pork is forbidden in Christianity too.
goru (2 weeks ago) @derodero go to hell!
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